To Be Encouraged with Bishop Julius C. Trimble
Be Encouraged with Bishop Julius C. Trimble

Season 1

Dec. 20, 2022

Christmas Insurance and Assurance from Bishop Julius C. Trimble

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Dec. 12, 2022

“A Hope to Keep On Keeping On” with Iowa Bishop Laurie Haller (Part 2)

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Dec. 6, 2022

"Leading From the Heart" A Conversation with Iowa Conference Bishop Laurie Haller (Part 1)

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Nov. 23, 2022

Bishop Trimble's Thoughts on Gratefulness, Thanksgiving and Having a Cheerful Disposition

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Nov. 21, 2022

God Does Take Sides. Courageous Conversations and Prophetic Preaching with Bishop Gregory Palmer-Part 2

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Nov. 15, 2022

Courageous Conversations and Prophetic Preaching with West Ohio Conference Bishop Gregory Vaughn Palmer

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Nov. 8, 2022

"Stand Up With the Good News" Bishop Trimble's Sermon at North Central Jurisdictional Conference

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Nov. 1, 2022

The Metaverse and Methodism: A Conversation with Dr. Kelly Price-Rhea about the Church in the Digital Age - Part 2

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Oct. 26, 2022

Understanding Faith-Based Digital Marketing-Part 1 with Dr. Kelly Price-Rhea

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Oct. 20, 2022

No More Excuses! Children Matter Most -Part 2 with Emily Krach and Rev. Jen Huff

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Oct. 13, 2022

Why Children Matter Most-Part 1 with Emily Krach and Rev. Jen Huff

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Oct. 6, 2022

"A Lay Persons View on Branding and Marketing in the UMC Moving Forward"-BONUS Episode

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Sept. 29, 2022

We Don't Give a Damn About the Poor

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Sept. 20, 2022

Bishop Trimble On Being United Methodist While Refuting Misinformation-Part 2

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Sept. 13, 2022

Bishop Trimble on Being United Methodist While Refuting Misinformation-Part 1

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Sept. 6, 2022

"Hope Caked with Mud" A Conversation with Michigan Bishop David Bard and Bishop Julius C. Trimble About the Future of the UMC - Part 2

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the l...
Aug. 30, 2022

Bishop David Bard Discusses the Complexities Facing the United Methodist Church with Bishop Julius C. Trimble. Part 1

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the l...
Aug. 23, 2022

"DON’T LOOK BACK:  Methodist Hope for  What Comes Next" with Dr. Will Willimon (Part-2)

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Aug. 16, 2022

"DON’T LOOK BACK: Methodist Hope for What Comes Next" with Rev. Dr. Will Willimon (Part 1)

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
Aug. 2, 2022

Wisdom on Authenticity and Resilience from New Elders (Part 2)

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
July 26, 2022

New Elders Speak on Call and Ordination in Anxious Times

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
July 19, 2022

The Idolatry of Gun Violence in America: Part 2

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
July 12, 2022

The Idolatry of Gun Violence in America (Part 1) with Cameron Trimble

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...
June 6, 2022

A Return to In-Person Annual Conference: The Implications and Opportunities

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church. Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potent...