Episode 100

Navigating Unity and Diversity at General Conference with Rev. Russ Abel: Part 1 of a 4 Part Series about General Conference

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church.

Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potential. It is his commitment to his personal mission that led Bishop Trimble to create the “To Be Encouraged” Podcast along with co-host Rev.Dr. Brad Miller.

Bishop Trimble says, “I am compelled by Jesus to share with you an encouraging word or two about Jesus, theology, the Bible, the pandemic, the environment, racism, voting rights, human sexuality, and the state of the United Methodist Church.”

To Be Encouraged with Bishop Julius C. Trimble is to be published weekly and is available at www.tobeencouraged.com and all the podcast directories.



Welcome to the 100th episode of "To Be Encouraged," where we explore faith, hope, and the future of the United Methodist Church in today's world. In this episode, our host, Bishop Julius C. Trimble and Rev. Dr. Brad Miller welcome Rev. Russ Abel to discuss the upcoming 2024 General Conference, its challenges, and its promise for the renewal of the church's mission.

*Three Key Takeaways from Episode 100:

**1. Emphasis on Discipleship and Unity:**

Bishop Julius C. Trimble and Rev. Russ Abel strongly emphasize discipleship and unity in the church's mission. They highlight the importance of ministry across social divides and the need to connect the work of the church to the lived experiences of its members. Abel urges a focus on making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, avoiding distractions by administrative tasks. The discussion underlines the significance of moving forward with unity and diversity to advance the cause of Christ, especially amid present challenges such as schism and disaffiliation.

**2. Acknowledging Setbacks and Looking Forward with Hope:**

Bishop Trimble reflects on the adverse outcomes of the 2019 general conference but retains a hopeful outlook for a positive 2024 General Conference experience. He notes the resilience of the church through the pandemic and racial reckoning, which has led to new ministries and beginnings. Trimble and Abel encourage a shift from focusing on loss to celebrating the continuous work of God in their communities. Abel praises the faithfulness of local church communities, drawing encouragement from their dedication to serving God through adversity.

**3. The Impact of Legislation and Responsibility in Shaping Narratives:**

The episode addresses the complexity of legislation presented at general conferences, with references to the summary from Discipleship Ministries in 2020. Various topics, such as regionalization, the revision of social principles, and removal of harmful language, are discussed as key legislative issues. Trimble highlights potential changes in budget proposals and reshaping of ministry, emphasizing their impact on local churches. Abel explains his role as the head of the delegation, stressing the importance of effective communication and coordination. The speakers concurred on the importance of shaping the narrative of the General Conference to positively impact local congregations.

Join us in prayer and gratitude with Bishop Trimble as we conclude this momentous episode. We look forward to continuing the journey together, being encouraged by faith, and sustaining the hope for a more inclusive and Christ-centered church.

**Next Time on To Be Encouraged:**

Episode 100 of To Be Encouraged is Part 1 of a 4 Part Series in Preparation for General Conference.  Upcoming Episodes in the General Conference Series include:

Part 2. Episode 101: An Interview with Rev. Dr. Aleze Fulbright a delegate to General Conference from the Indiana Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church.

Part 3. Episode 102: An Interview with Rev. Larry Whitehead, a delegate to General Conference from the Indiana Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church.

Part 4. Episode 103: Town Hall Conversation. A reply of a “Town Hall” zoom call Bishop Trimble had with a number of persons interested and engaged in the impact and importance of General Conference. Recorded Live on April 2, 2024 


Indiana Conference UMC.


Northeast District - Indiana Conference UMC


General Conference UMC.




Hello, good people. Welcome to To Be Encouraged.


This is the podcast where we look to offer an encouraging word to an often


discouraged world. I'm reverend doctor Brad Miller, your cohost, and along


with Bishop Julius c Treble, we are welcoming to


today reverend Russ Abel, who is the conference


superintendent of the East and Northeast District


of the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church, one of the primary


cities involved there is Fort Wayne. Bishop, can you


give a welcome to our guest here, today on To Be Encouraged?


Yeah. Welcome to Russ, colleague and cabinet member.


Thank you for your witness, you and Michelle, and


your recent response, we had here in Indiana, some


tornadoes and some heavy C storms. And


as is often the case, United Methodist don't wait


to respond. And I just wanna say thanks Russ for your leadership,


and you may even wanna give an update on that. We have people that


listen to the podcast from not just Indiana, but from around around the


world. And but hope our primary target audience


includes United Methodist in Indiana. So welcome welcome,


Russ, for this time of conversation. Thank you. Well, Russ,


indeed, it's a pleasure to have you with us, and we'd just like to hear


just a little bit about you in terms of, a little bit about your background,


about maybe what what brought you to faith in Jesus Christ in


the first place, and how how did it come about that you came to


serve in United Methodist Ministry and particularly in your role


right now as a, conference superintendent? Well, thank you,


Brad. Thank you, Bishop, for having me on today. So I,


I came to faith in Christ more like a a


sunrise than than a light switch. You know, you


some people, I think, in the time, the day, the moment.


For me, it was more a realization that that Christ was my savior,


and that'd been for some time. That came to me through The United


Methodist Church and through who then to me


offered, offered spiritual counsel, and and I


found the grace of Christ and have never turned back. I,


I serve as a superintendent in the Northeast and East District of the


United Methodist Church in Indiana, And the short answer of how I came to


serve there is the bishop asked me to dinner. You


know, remember that anytime you get a invitation from the Bishop, maybe. I


don't know. There you go. But, I'm I'm really thankful to get to serve this


way. I I know a lot of people sometimes misunderstand this role,


but I think it's I think it's a great way to serve, and, I'm very


thankful to continue to serve these 2 districts. Well, Russ, one of the main reasons


we have you here today is because of something that Bishop really particularly wants to,


chat about here today, and that is general conference of,


2024, or I guess it's technically general conference


2020 in the year 2024. We'll have to unpack that a little bit


here. But we're glad that you're with us. You happen to be a a delegate


from the Indiana conference and the head of the delegation, and we are


glad that you are are with us here. So, Bishop, I know you have some


things you wanted to talk to, Russ, about, regarding general conference.


Yeah. Let first of all, welcome again, Russ. General conference, if I


understand correctly, is comprised of clergy and lay leaders


elected from annual conferences, missionary conferences,


provisional conferences around the globe, and they gather


usually every 4 years for a 10 day meeting


in which we vote on legislation. We worship and pray, but,


primarily, we make any changes to our book of discipline and book


of resolutions. So I I just would wanted to,


you know, maybe respond to as we are actually meeting


in 2024 in Charlotte, North Carolina, but it's the


2020 postponed general conference. And what does


that mean for you, and what are your responsibilities as the


head of a delegation? Most people might say, well, what's the head of the


delegation? Is he isn't he or she just


another voting member? But you have other responsibilities, I keep, I


think, in terms of organizationally. So can you just kinda give us


a summary of I know I covered a lot of lot there terms of


general conference, but any way you wanna approach that. Yeah. I think I'd


start by Bishop saying I have no idea.


That seems to be the theme of around the church these days in many ways,


isn't it? Oh my goodness. That's the these things seem like a good idea at


the time where you C I represent.


I tell people it's the longest 14 month volunteer


role I've ever had. So so thank you for


the question. This is a peculiar and unique season in the


United Methodist Church, in terms of general conference. As Bishop


said, general conference meets historically, every 4 years, and


they coincide with with presidential elections in the United


States, same sort of years, every 4 years in that order.


We've had some exceptions to that. The most recent exception was


2019 special called general conference session, which


was just that. It was called for a particular reason, much like a a


charge conference would be a special called charge conference to deal with a


particular agenda. And so 2020


general conference has been postponed a few times due to


COVID, and complications and challenges


came about from Carolina. It will be con


we will be convening the 2020 general


conference, and we will meet in session for that.


It's our expectation at this point, we believe that the


2024 General Conference will possibly be


canceled since no legislation has been submitted to that general conference


yet, and we will meet in special session


perhaps in 2026, and then in regular


session back on that quadrennial or every 4 year pattern


in 2028. I do serve as a delegate. I'm part of


an amazing delegation from Indiana. We have shaped


and been reshaped by by, new members


coming on and and other members stepping away. And,


so many of us, were elected in June June of


20, 2019. Some of us were elected in


June of 2023. But all of us have the same


goal, and that is to be faithful to the best of our


ability, to the call of Christ in our lives, and to the role and mission


of the United Methodist Church in the world. And so, that's what takes


us to Charlotte, North Carolina next month and the beginning of


May. Thank thank you, Russ, for great great over


overview. Are there particular responsibilities as dean


of the cabinet that you have that just the regular


other members don't have? Yeah. I I think you meant to say, head


of the delegation, not dean of the cabinet. Head of the delegation.


Unless there's something of these, and I don't know. So I


mean, I mean, my apologies. Yeah. It's a head


so the the total


number of people who will be delegates to general conference is 862.


One of the functions of heads of delegations is, can you imagine


receiving all the questions from 862 different delegates to the


general conference staff. It's a it would be untenable. So one of the roles of


the head of the delegation is to be the primary communication connector


between information being released about general conference, responsibilities


required for general conference, and actions of the delegation. So you you


serve as that sort of moderator of information. So that's that's one


piece. Secondly, you do work with other heads of delegations


to consider how we might work together, and that


that's both at general conference and jurisdictional conferences


that happen during your term as a delegate. The the third


way is the the the the head of the delegation


is the person who has responsibility, excuse


me, organizing the delegation's work. Certainly don't do that


alone, but you you sort of help that facilitate that to come


together. And so you get to see a lot of sides


of the of the work of the the general conference. But,


really, the the important part is how do you work together with other


delegation heads and your delegation to to to


serve in the best way possible. Thank thank you, Russ. There's


there's as much as a 1,000 pieces of legislation, if I'm


correct. And, I just started trying to trying


to navigate my way around, look at this some I I just wanna


read a little bit. One is the the the general forms and agencies


present their plans and legislation. Then there's


legislation comes from conferences


and caucuses, and then an individual can submit


legislation to general congress, which is how we end up with so many different pieces


of legislation. Discipleship this this summary is from Discipleship


Ministries, 2020 well, 2020 legislation


summary for coming now, but in 2024. To To see Vital


and Vibrant Church on fire to transform the world, it's the executive


summary. The agency has recently completed a rigorous 3 year


process, create a more holistic, integrated, and focused


approach, and assist the United Methodist leaders in their


disciple making efforts. Discipleship Ministries


has identified 3 strategic priorities, an


intentional disciple making process in every church,


engagement with people currently outside the church, and cultivating


local contextual resources around the globe.


I just our primary business is to make


disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.


Is there a sense that as a as as a voting


member of general conference, you're you're looking to see on all all


legislation, is there a lens where we say what you you know, we used to


say, what does this have to do with John 316? Or what does this


have to do with Matthew 28? A lot of the legislation really has


to do with, you know, whether this this line will be taken out of


the discipline or this one added to discipline. What's your sense


of of the focus on our


primary mission as we as we approach general conference?


Then I'll then I'll let I'll let Brandt take some of the next few few


questions. Fair enough. Fair enough. So one of the things we talk


about on our delegation a lot is to keep the


focus of our work on making disciples


of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. In other words, as


we think about this particular piece of legislation, this report


of a general agency, this opinion or viewpoint of a


caucus group, in the end, how does that impact our


ability as a worldwide church to make disciples and to make


disciples and to transform the world? I think it's really easy, Bishop,


or could be really easy to sort of get hyper


focused on the administrative function of


general conference, that this piece of legislation there and, actually,


you're right. There's more than a1000. There's a 1,008 pieces of


legislation this this round. So you could get focused on, like,


what's the process that we're gonna use or is used to to


to move this from a petition to entrance into the discipline.


And that's important work. But most important work is,


does it help us make the cycles? Does it


help us bring justice and equity to the world? You


know? And so we talk on our delegation a lot about


that. And in in my conversations with people kind of around


around the, general church, I think everybody has that that


goal. Like I said, you can get distracted or you can get hyper focused on


one part or another, but in the end, if it's not about Jesus and helping


people know Jesus and know Jesus more, then then


really we've we've gotten off track a little bit. And so


certainly some of the pieces of legislation


may tend more toward, like, an editorial change of this word would


be better than that word. But the


but the intention is always should always be,


how does it move us forward in our mission? How does it help us as


a global church to operate in a way that all voices are heard, all


people are seen, and all love is shared? So


that that's the frame that we approach. And


one additional piece, Bishop, I might add, our


our our most recent conversations at the at the, delegation


level, our delegation, have been kind of focused on


8, where Jesus calls us to be witnesses.


So even even as we're at general conference, even


as we participate, what are ways we


can intentionally be good witnesses for


Jesus Christ in that environment so that we look like


the church, we sound like the church, even as


we're doing the work of the church. So that's that's part of our focus.


Thank you, Russ. Well, Russ, even


as you were speaking there, you're talking about the focus and you


kind of trying to avoid hyperfocus on administration stuff, but keep the focus keep


the keep the main thing the main thing about our focus on making


disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. And that's and acts


1:8 is all about the church coming together and so on and being


unity. But we have to deal with some reality, don't we, Russ? That


we live in a time of schism and disaffiliation that are there


hap has happened and it is happening in the church,


and that they are there are difficult things to deal with at


this general conference, which have huge implications


to the future of the church and the future of local churches and clergy


and so on and so on and so forth. How are how are


you personally, and how is the Indiana delegation navigating that


with differing viewpoints about within the delegation, I


understand, and also certainly among the body of the general conference.


How you're navigating some of these things? And we, you know, I I we


need to we'll need to deal with the LBGTQ issues Julius


issues as well somehow or another here. But to give you a little idea,


if we're have provisions on Unity, how we with all this division


as well? Thank you, Brad. There was a lot in that question. I would say,


let me start where you started, and that's with reality.


Yeah. So the gospel can never be disconnected from the current reality in which we


we find ourselves. And that reality that we find ourselves in right


now is in this particular place and Trimble, and we need


to keep in mind that there are realities


that other people are facing as well. So just this past week,


in one of the districts I served, we had tornadoes come through and do


severe property damage. Thank thank god, literally. Thank god there


was there were no loss of life. But that


reality for those folks was very real. And so part of, I think,


our goal or our, call in serving at a


in the delegation or at any general church level


is is to say, how does our work connect


the reality of the church to the reality the lived reality of the


people we serve? And so, you know, we have been through


a season of disaffiliation. That's that's no secret. In


Indiana, we were affected greatly, but


we also know that we we don't just we don't


just mourn. We do mourn. The the the churches are left, in a


sense, we mourn them, but we also look forward. So so we


let me let me own it personally. I I mourn the the


change in relationships, but I also keep in


mind that that this is a kingdom moment. So they may have left the


United Methodist Church. They didn't leave the kingdom of God. And so I pray that


their ministries will be, fruitful and and, continue to help people


know Christ. So so that is part of our


reality or our recent history, it's the


church we strive to be, as we move forward, we


have this amazing opportunity as general conference delegations


to say, what will the church look like as we move forward? What will


the future of the church be like? I hope that we never serve


a church in which there there is only agreement.


Right? Unity means we all move together toward the


same goal, but we won't all agree on everything along the


path. And so we seek to to proclaim


the unity of Christ and the unity of the body of Christ


by recognizing diversity in every way.


So the the delegation as we move into general conference,


I think that what we do is we we have been praying over,


we have been learning about, we have been in


conversation around different parts of them and,


groupings of legislation that are coming to general conference. Again,


holding the question in front of us, how will this help us fulfill our


mission and move the cause of Christ forward? And so


there are there are several issues within that. And so


our our our call, our role, we believe,


is is to to prayerfully


and faithfully move toward the future that god is calling


this church, this United Methodist Church, to to be.


So that's how we're moving forward. I'm not sure I covered everything in your question,


but feel free to to read I apologize for being so broad, but I think


these are some of the areas that, you know, people wanna know. You know, they


just they just wanna know where kinda they wanted going in, they


there's we mentioned at the very top of our conversation, kinda, we


don't know what's gonna happen. It almost it's almost laughable about how it's so


so many unknowns here. But, we know that somehow we'll come


out of a general conference, and things are probably gonna be different one way or


another in how we do church. And so I think people


kinda wanna get some idea of that. And, and I would really like both maybe,


perhaps, Bishop, you can chime in here on this. There are some kind of granular


things that I think some people have heard a little bit about, but wanna get


some more clarity about. For instance, movement towards something called


regionalization, you know, and other things of that nature and


the the changing of language of, adjustment of


language, harmful language in paragraph 304 0.3


in the discipline. I don't know if these are some things that we might be


able but let's take regionalization. Is this something we can speak to? Yep. Alright. Brad,


if Go ahead. If you could Yeah. Yeah. Bishop, thank you. Let me


just share with you a few areas of legislation that I


think people are concerned about and


would would would be affected by. You mentioned


regionalization. Regionalization's a really important thing that's coming before general


conference. It affects its its legislation is in several different


groups that we'll be discussing at general conference and bringing it forward.


I think that the the short and succinct way


to think about regionalization is it allows


for certain parts of the book of discipline to be discipline to be ached by


the context of ministry that's being exercised.


So the outside the United Methodist outside


the United States, parts of the United Methodist Church already can do this.


And so the question is, should should that be the case within the


United within the United States? Another piece of


legislation that's really important is the revised social principles,


And that that's that's something that everyone should be aware of. That


those that information just as well as all the information I'm


talking about is available online. So read through this revision of


the social principles. You know, we we are a church that believes that


the gospel is lived out and lived out seeking,


justice, equity, and inclusion of of folks all around the


world. And so the revised social principles is


important. The 3rd grouping of legislation pieces of legislation


that's important to watch will be the removal of harmful


language. And it certainly is is, connected to the


reference you made to the discipline, Brad, but it's also affecting other


parts of the book of discipline. So that


that grouping, that set of legislation, it


it would ask that the general conference remove


prohibitive language in regard to human sexuality from the


book of discipline. It does not ask that


affirmative language, prohibitive language is removed.


And I think that's a really important distinction


to understand at this point. I think the the last


piece I would say, and then certainly the will of the Bishop and his wisdom,


but all three of those primary are big


sets of legislation I mentioned, regionalization, revised social


principles, and removal of harmful language have the potential


to have constitutional changes in the book of discipline,


Which means that those changes have to be


ratified by a 2 thirds aggregate


vote of voting members of all annual


conferences around the world. And so if


if one of those if those pieces of legislation pass, quote


unquote, pass at general conference, then


they're not fully approved until that


ratification process is complete. So I think that's another important piece


for people to understand. And so Yeah. That that that's what I would share in


regard to your specific question. It's a very involved process. Yeah. Bishop, I would


really like to hear your take on this, particularly in any role the bishops may


play in all this. Well, I mean, general conference, the bishops


preside, but we do not have a vote. Certainly, one


of the piece that Russ didn't talk about was, you know, we we


are we are anticipating in in


the near future, as a result of this general conference,


Maybe some reshaping and realignment of the way in which we live


out a ministry through general boards and agencies because we


anticipate a budget proposal that will reflect the


fact that, you know, we have significant number of churches that


have disaffiliated. So if we, you


know, we've 3,000 churches that have disaffiliated,


I think the budget proposals and the general conference is the body that has


to approve whatever our quadrennial budget will


be, will have implications for the general boards and


C. And the the the the the caretaker, if you will,


for social principles and and what the the general general board of


churches society would help which helps annual conferences in local


congregations to kinda live out, interpret, and


carry forth the social principles along with the other


C. Global Ministries that's very much involved in


missionary the support for our missionaries across the globe and


provides administrative some administrative support for UMCOR, which


we're benefiting from right now in Indiana. So all of these


things I have will be impacted by decision made


at at general conference. I


think a lot of people are are asking the question, what will


general conference mean for the life at the local church level?


And my hope is that we will come away from general conference


with the clear message that we we are United


Methodist, and we're still very much, as we are in Indiana,


committed to being both in mission and being missional, and


that we still believe that the local church is the primary


place in which disciple making takes place and mission is lived


out. So I think the the bishops are really


wanting to see people get excited about


the future of The United Methodist Church with those of and and and a church


that that is more inclusive, less divided, and


less focus on debate and more focus


on being in mission and being missional. I think that


the removal of harmful language would be will be helpful in that.


I think approval of regionalization would be helpful in that


cause. But also, I think the the the outside world, if you will,


wants to know, well, do we care about folks who are starving in


Gaza, or do we care about folks who are hungry in the


rural areas of Indiana? Do we care about children?


Do do we care about, you know, violence and the way it's


manifest across the globe and and sometimes in some of our


cities and communities? Do what does the church


care about the lost and the least and the overlooked,


which is part of the part of our history as as United


Methodists? It seems to me that, we


are entering this kind of this,




conversations with other folks, people for instance, I believe the last general


conference was in 19, and there's a lot of people came out of that


discouraged, you know, with how things went then. What


do you think is the what do we what do we need to be


encouraged about going into this general conference, and what can do you think we


can emerge out of this conference to focus in


on moving forward? Just I'm asking you to project a little bit to kinda give


your your vibe, your feel of how we're going in. Russ, do you have any


thoughts on that? Yeah. Absolutely. Thank you for that question.


So the the headline of general


conference seems always to be the legislative work, and


it's incredibly important. But the the the encouraging parts, the


exciting parts, the the blessed


parts of general conference are are the times when we


gather together. The worship times, the times when we hear


reports from from youth and from women's ministries and men's


ministries, and we hear all the ways the church is active in the


world. And and just just the


experience of being in a room with with United Methodist


from all over the world. We can tend to live


in somewhat isolated ways


and forget just how diverse the church really is to sit in a


plenary session or a worship session and and hear what's


being spoken translated simultaneously in 5 different


languages because that's what it takes for everybody to


communicate. To look out across the room and see the


the cultural, racial, diverse those are things that give me


all kinds of encouragement. I think that,


I expect that this general conference will be one in


which we live and do our work as


as disciples of Julius, and that when people look at us,


they'll see that. We may not agree. There may be discussions


or even arguments. But in the end, my prayer is that our


love for Christ and love for one another will be


so clear that it'll be


undeniable and will have to be shared because that'll be the good


news moment. Bishop, well, I'd like to get your thoughts on that as it was.


Well, I I I am very much encouraged about this general conference. I


left despondent, discouraged in grief,


and and and and went through a period


of, of depression after


2019 and brought there. He he gave a protest on the floor


at one point. So so I I that was the


worst experience I ever had at a general conference or any annual conference or any


other kind of conference. It wasn't just because of the the votes.


It was because of the spirit of acrimony. So I just fully


anticipate that this conference, people are coming in with


it with a totally different spirit. We have survived,


Brett. Let's keep we need to remind ourselves a pandemic.


You know, that's the, you know, first in the history of the United Methodist


Church in in modern times since that that we because this


was a global pandemic, unlike the one a 100 years ago


here in the US that wasn't totally a global


pandemic. We survived the pandemic, some some really


racial reckoning that we're still work and we made a commitment to continue


that work and and our retirement celebration,


Russ. But I think I think it's it's worth picking up. I said this is


a time to pivot with passion, to pivot with passion


for the mission as opposed to just, you know, I think I


think it's appropriate to lament loss. Don't get me wrong. We should lament loss.


We should we should pay attention to confession and repentance.


But I think the church really needs a passionate I mean, the world


really needs a passionate United Methodist Church. And here's an


example of hope that sometimes we overlook, and I'm


at it all the time. So we've had between


2528 new fresh expressions


of ministry in the last 13 months


in just in the Indiana conference. Probably worried


not for this affiliation and the pandemic,


we would not have had that many new risk taking


ministries, including a couple of new church starts


as a result of that. So so while there's loss, there's also


gain. While there's death, there's also been new birth and new


life. And we tend to I think someone said,


what what we elevate, we also should celebrate, and what we celebrate, we should


elevate. And I'm more inclined at this period


to really try to celebrate and elevate the new things that


are happening because God is always doing a new thing.


Yes. We have lost churches in Indiana. And guess


what? There will be some people, I think it'll be a small minority,


of people who will come to general conference with the hopes of still


finding ways to leave the church. Mhmm.


But I think the majority of people will come to general conference with may


with an openness to pivot with passion towards submission. So


that's where my prayers are words that we might


really encourage each other going into general conference.


And be reminded as I heard someone just say, today, I


was watching on a on a on a webinar that we need to be remembered


that it's not our church. We are even so I'm guilty of that saying


referring to the church as as my church or or, you know, the United Methodist


Church is our church. But as opposed to it is the church of the of


Jesus Christ that is that that that will not fail,


cannot cannot be destroyed. So I'm very hopeful. When I look down the


list of the brand the new you know, with the the dinner churches


and the messy churches and the Hispanic ministry


new starts and some of the things that that Russ Abel's doing in


his 2 his 2 districts, man, I get excited about


that. And sometimes I forget, you know, because we spent so much


energy on focusing on all of the logistics around


people leaving and forget that God is still doing the new


thing. So general conference will will come and go,


and we'll come back and we still will have churches that have to do


ministry. No. General conference indeed will come


will come and go, and and we need to be


navigate that to come out to a better place. Russ, I know you had something


you wanna say there. Yeah. I just wanna jump in real quick. Thank you. In


regard to what Bishop said about sometimes we overlook the good


things, to some degree, how general conference


will go and be perceived is not just


the responsibility of the people who attend it. It will be what do


people, what do us, what do we, what do you choose to talk


about, and what kind of stories will we tell? Will we will we tell


all those stories about connection and unity and and ministry


and mission, or will we choose on the few places where


there might be disagreement and disunity? So I think that we all share


in that responsibility of the story we tell. Yeah. I I agree. And yet I


just want to as to understand that in the local church level,


most churches are focused on whatever is happening in the local community, their local


context. But the context is impacted by decisions that are made at


general conference. You know, the church I attend, you know, the,


LGBT 2 Julius folks who attend there may be


impacted by decisions that are made one way or another at general conference.


And these are the implications that we need to


find a way to navigate through


in order to continue to effective ministry in our local


churches. And, not everybody understands that in local church level, and they don't


often don't need to in some regards because they need to focus locally, but there


are implications here. And so, it's my hope and prayer that we can


continue to leverage church. So it is impacting


those local United Methodist churches, including the people who are


active and vibrant in whatever situation in life they are. Bishop, may I have anything


else you wanna share or ask Russell about before we bring this around to close


here in a few minutes? Well, you since you gave me an opening, I'm gonna


steal your question you usually ask and and and say, what


Russ, what's encouraging you now when you think about


your current role as a conference superintendent? And, you


just immediately responded to the communities, and I know there's more response


that we we have to follow-up on. Communities are impacted by the


tornadoes and storms. What are you encouraged by? And, you know,


there's a few weeks before you go to Charlotte.


Where where do you find encouragement and hope? You don't wanna you're


you're you're, you've been accused of living the


dream. So what


what encourages you? Well, I I did Bishop, I mean And I'll try to


respond to the same question. So I I'm encouraged gonna ask me that


anyway. Fair enough. Fair enough.


So let me tell a story. I worship Sunday in a small


membership church in the in the East District southern part of the


East District. And I arrived a half an hour late


because I I had the wrong time for worship to start,


which could have been embarrassing, could have been frustrating,


but rather, the congregation welcomed me in,


joked with me, and received me.


And I saw I saw the power of that that


congregation. I saw the faithfulness of that pastor


who who has another job, full time job, and pastors


this this church as well and does an amazing job. I was


challenged by a message that that she brought. And


so you wanna know what encourages me? Is that I continue


to see the faithfulness of the people of God serving a God that is


infinitely faithful to us. So general conference will come


and it will go, and we will seek to be as faithful as we can.


And I'll be encouraged as I see the the


diversity and the power of the worship at general conference, but I'll


also take with me the the the


worship and the faithfulness of the people that I saw this


past Sunday. Great. Thank you, God. What a great


witness. Well, Bishop, can you just give a word of, thanks and


appreciation to Russ, and then tell us what you're encouraged about and if you'd be


so kind as to close us in prayer. Right.


Actually, yes. Thank you, Russ. Thank you so much. I'm


encouraged by getting to work with folks like Russ and and and


by the ways in which I experience vibrant


worship. I've had a chance to preach recently in several of our congregations,


and and people are not really overly obsessed with


what's gonna happen at a quadrennial meeting, but they do


recognize that we are connected. And people really want to


experience more connection, Brad, and more belonging, which is which is


a popular term now, a sense that, you know, there's a place for


everybody, not just some people. It's been said that we're


UMC. UMC stands for upper middle class, and


that maybe we, you know, we really while we preach to the poor


and talk about it, we are not really in ministry or in relationship


with people, across social social strata.


So I think I'm encouraged by people who love Jesus and


wanna just continue doing new things. I think we ought to, as Paul


Chiellco writes in his book, Multiply with Love, remember that we are


always renewing. Don't remember the prior


things. Don't ponder ancient history. Look, I'm doing a new


thing. Now it sprouts up. Don't you recognize it? I'm


making a way in the desert. Pass in the wilderness. This is from the


prophet Isaiah chapter 43 verses 18


19. I wanna sign off by just saying thank you to Russ


Abel and Brad, the reverend doctor Brad Miller, and God bless you. May the


Lord bless you as we journey towards general conference, but more


importantly, as we live out our days and evenings,


knowing that God loves us as we lead up to the holy


season, the holy weekend of Easter. God bless you.


God be with you. And we do thank you joining us


today. Here are the 2 be encouraged podcasts. Our


special guest today, reverend Russ Abel,


superintendent conference superintendent of the east and northeast districts in Indiana conference. Thank


you for being with us here on the podcast to offer us an encouraging


word to an often discouraged world.

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Be Encouraged with Bishop Julius C. Trimble
An Encouraged Word for A Discouraged World