To Be Encouraged with Bishop Julius C. Trimble
March 8, 2022

Dismantling Racism, In Our Time, In Our Churches and In Society with Dr. Betty Hart

Dismantling Racism, In Our Time, In Our Churches and In Society with Dr. Betty Hart

Bishop Julius C. Trimble is the Resident Bishop of the Indiana Area of the United Methodist Church.

Bishop Trimble has the personal mission to encourage all people with the love of Jesus Christ to rise to their highest potential. It is his commitment to his personal mission that led Bishop Trimble to create the “To Be Encouraged” Podcast along with co-host Rev.Dr. Brad MIller.

Bishop Trimble says, “I am compelled by Jesus to share with you an encouraging word or two about Jesus, theology, the bible, the pandemic, the environment, racism, voting rights, human sexuality and state of the United Methodist Church.”

To Be Encouraged with Bishop Julius C. Trimble is to be published weekly and is available at and all the podcast directories.

Dr. Betty Hart taught ethnic literature and cultural studies at secondary and University levels for over 42 years before retiring and dedicating her time to serving God through the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church. Currently, she leads the Conference Commission on Race and Ethnicity. Her recently published book, "By the Light of the Moon: A Spiritual Memoir", is about growing up as a black Appalachian in West Virginia during the volatile civil era.